Here are some sites that offer gifs that
you can link to directly
As of Sept 99, Tripod has been
enforcing the NO LINK policy stipulated in their Terms
of Service which you agree to in order to have a site
at Tripod. Due to this action .jpg(s) are no longer
able to work in Email. So make sure that if the site
you are wishing to link to directly is a Tripod site,
that the file(s) are in .gif format.
.jpg and .gif formats can both be used at a website!
- a very good list of
links to gifs, backgrounds, buttons and more
- Great
Gifs to Go
- neon gifs and letters plus more
Gifs to Go
- link away
- WebTv Friends Linkable Pages
- gifs, jpgs, and
- Me
lissa's Free Gifs
- 1017 animated Gifs and growing
- Brenda Claey's Gif page
- lots of nice gifs
Have a look You wont be sorry you did.
- Draac's Transport Page
- This guy is truely an
inspiration. I started with this page. Truely a One
stop for all. Link at will
Tools/resources for homepages,email,image
manipulation, uploading,coding help and buttons
to help you find whatever you're looking for:
midis, gifs, jpgs, and more.
Alan's WebTv Guide
- Check it out
- BUILDER.COM-web authoring
- tips and ideas about
writing HTML for faster loading pages and alot more
I ought to spend some time reading it. I notced
some different codes that would save me alot of time if
I knew them
- J
er Girl's WebTv Shortcuts
- Very Useful
cache clearer
- CACHE is the memory/storage area
of your WebTv, it's the reason your 'recent' key works,
and your 'back' key.
- How to Create a Slide Show
- clear
and easy to follow instructions on creating a slide's gonna take some time but once you start
getting the hang of it, you're well on your way of
becoming a top notch producer of movies......; - )
- Lorraine's Mechanical Music WebTv Tools
- has a number of very useful tools
- Media
Builder- Gif Optimizer
- just like Net Mechanic
Gif optimizer
- fun and informative
- HTML for WebTv Email
- self explanitory
- Andersen
family WebTv homepage
- spend time with this
- WWWebTv Homepage
- another collection of interesting &
helpful home pages
- Tuanna's Backgrounds and more
- A great
source of email corner backgrounds, tile & border
backgrounds and must see!
- Audioscope
- learn what is and how to
make an audioscope
Background Colors
- gives you color name
and Hexadecimal # Don't worry if you don't know
what Hexidecimal means. You will.
- HTML Reasources
- very
good site alot of info
- The Links Page
- Link Exchange Help
- have to be a member
but does offer alot of help
- Media Builder
- Good stuff....
Notice: this
and some other sites I offer are made useful
using Ronnies WebTv Quick Links Page, Image
Wrecker, LaFontain's WebTv Help and similar
- NetMechan
c Image Sizer / Gif-bot
- Great tool to reduce the
byte size of Gifs & Jpgs to have your page load much
- in a class of it's own Excellant
- WebRing
- Good tool for surfing the Web
- WebTv-WeCare
- Have a question? Look up a
possible ans. or submit a letter to WeCare
using the form provided
- A
- A Huge site with everything.
But please don't link directly to they're
goodies, upload them to your directory
- Reference Tables
- Another
useful site with an online calculator
Ronnies WebTv Quick Find
- along with Owen's links, these are the
most useful tools when building a web site.
- Image Wrecker
- similar to
Ronnies WebTv Quick Links Page
- LeFontanes WebTv Help
- just like ronnies quick link page but
offers slightly different stuff
- Star
Bl'vd Transloader
- to put images, text,
code, into your directory(ies)
- Zygraphics
- Header/Banner
- Banners, Buttons, Text
- This little
gadget is jam packed with lots of places to make
banner, buttons, etc. It's actually called WTV
TOOL SOURCE and can be used for many many things.
- HTML Doctor/Banner instruction
- here
is another link to make banner/headers. Follow
the instuction and the link is in step 2. The
one I have above is a direct link for those of
you who know how to make banners.
- Paul Eriksen's Page
- an
excellent resourse for beginers and helplessly
adicted webies- Like ME!
Due to a webtv bug you may, after having linked
to a site, have to RELOAD the page to make it
work. You accomplish this by holding down the
'cmnd' key and pressing the 'r' key four (4) or
more times.

- Ultimate WEBTV
search engine
- for us webbies
- ExtremE
- for WebTv and Computer users
- Lycos
Graphic Search
- just type image you're looking for ie. tiger
- Momma: mother
of all search engines
- look for sound, imagages and more
- Midi Search
- searching the intermet for a partucular midi
- Sounds
- sound effects library
- The Big
- Portal to the best on the web
- 37.Com
- 37, that's right!...37 search engines. The
ONLY site you'll need for searching
WOW...everything and anything
- very useful
Wanna see what I look like? Then click on