railbird's nest II
A little about me and my
purpose for having a homepage.
Le FastCounter
I've had alot of people ask me,
"What the HECK is a Railbird?".
Well first off, it's "Railbirds"
or to be more exact, it's the
"Blue Jay Railbirds" and it's a
team on the APA ~American
Poolplayers Association~ that I
am a member of. Hence the name
"Railbird". Secondly, the name
derives from the part of the pool
table known as the "rail" or
"cushion". There are 6 of them,
1 on each end and 2 on each side
of the table. The tavern that the
team shoots for is called the
"Blue Jay Tavern". Seen as how a
blue jay is a bird and "rail" is
part of a pool table we came up
with the name "Blue Jay Railbirds".
I know you're thinking what kind
of a place is called "Blue Jay".
To tell the ya truth, it's just a
neighborhood bar.
One reason for having a homepage is so
I can put my picture on the Web. A little
vain of me, you may think, but it's
mostly due to the fact that word got
out that I mailed my pic. to a lady
friend and now the rest of my lady
friends are crying "FOUL". It's
tough being me! ; - )
Honest, it's not much but wadda ya expect
from a 32 y.o. playing with his...WebTV.
Another reason for me wanting to
create a site is to help other newbies
like myself. I've had this WebTv terminal
since Oct '97 and I'm not really into
computers and other do-hickies but I do
enjoy learning and trying new things.
I've been taught alot from the many
friendly, kind, and most of all patient
people I've met on the internet. Also
from the countless pages that offer
assistance. So that is what I intend to
accomplish. A homepage with helpful
links for the "Newbie", which I still
consider myself, links for advanced
help, and links for kids, learning,
travel, games and more. There will
also be links to pool sites to help out
the amature pool player like me.
So sit back, relax, have a beer or
whatever and spend some time exploring
my homepage. Who knows, you may learn
a thing or two.